Newest Obsession… Rue

I’ve come to adore online magazines. at first I was angry about the idea, after all I adore having something tangeble and collectable, but I’ve warmed up. Now I can read through a beautiful and long independant magazine and not pay 10bucks and up for it. So when I came across Rue Magazine, well… I knew I stuck gold. The gorgeous photos, the cutest interviews, *sigh* just love it.

rue magazine

rue magazine

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Just a few of my favorite “clippings” from the latest issue. you can view the whole lovely thing here.

  1. says:

    Table Tonic discovery? I saw it yesterday and also fell in love. I feel like Rue isn’t full of itself, yet is SO amazing and surprising, especially with some iconic individuals that are featured.

  2. That e-magazine looks adorable! I wish I had the time to follow them. There are so many great ones out there these days. I will add this to my list nonetheless.

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