
The more I read other blogs the more I realize I love when bloggers share what’s going on in their lives and make it a bit more personal. For some reason I’ve tried to stay away from that (not that I really have anything that interesting to share anyway!) but what the heck.

A few things about me:

-I’m a severe over-packer (and by that I mean that I’ve already packs about three outfits for each day were gone and enough bathing suits to wear a different one each day as well for me and Frank little getaway this week!)

-I’m addicted to reading. and not ready super smarty-pants books, I’m talkin’ little kid fiction that almost always includes some form of magical-ness (yes, Harry Potter is my BFF)

-I love my dog way too much. I talk to him like he’s a person, hold him like he’s a baby and even let him wiggle his way in between Frank and me when we lay down together.

-I used to refuse to wear anything but my Disney Princess dresses up until I was probably seven.

-If you try to talk to me while I’m in the bathroom there’s a good chance you won’t live to see the end of the day.

The End! back to packing for the California:)

  1. You look lovely, first off, and I always finding little facts about other bloggers so fun! It just makes them so much more relateable, especially when they say things that make you stop and say to yourself, “hey, me too!”

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