Palm Springs

Me and my amazing boyfriend spent the week in California. Mostly Palm Springs (though we did stop in San Diego on the way back). It was lovely. but, a picture is worth a thousand words right? Well, I have plenty of those, so I’ll just let them speak for me.

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Ohhhh. And one more thing…


  1. says:

    I was on your blog two hours ago, hoping you would post again soon.. and thank you.Also….
    Congratulations in the biggest way for your engagement!!
    And Dave says “Awwww” and “That’s sweet!”

  2. Lovely holiday snaps – and congratulations!xx

  3. Congratulations…. It looks lovely.. the ring I mean πŸ™‚ Have a great life you guys

  4. Congratulations on your engagement! :)I love your blog & yes – LOVE Palm Springs!
    I was only there for one night but I can’t wait to go back
    Hope you have a wonderful week

  5. OMG, I am so happy for you! Congrats!

  6. You have a great eye for photography! And congrats on your engagement!

  7. Congrats!! :)And the pictures are lovely, I am sooo missing California!!

  8. Not that palm springs isn’t enough but the ring is heavenly. Happiness wishes sent your way!

  9. Congrats! I love your vintage engagement ring.

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