It’s rainy and cold and just all around”blah”today.I’m sitting in Starbucks sipping my tea and listening to the clip-clop of women in pencil skirts walk in and out and men in business suits talk much more loudly than necessary on their iphones. Cars rush by outside and splatter each other kicked up rain from the puddles they zoom through and my brain tries to escape somewhere warm.

I can’t wait for summer.

I’m such a summer-lovin, bare-foot-running, crazy girl. I still can’t even believe that this summer I’ll be able to take warm night walks through the city and cuddle up everynight with my soon-to-be husband (oh! first time saying that… hmm… I think I like it:). I think even my little doggy will enjoy the new surroundings and I know that he looks forward to the warm weather too (he’s basically a cat the way he stretches out in sunny spots on warm afternoons).

(old photo of us, but always one of my favorites:)

Have a good Wednesday!

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