This old milk-crate is one of the impulse buys at the auction a few weeks ago. I bid on it with absolutely no idea what I would do with it. Then it hit me – PLANTER! oh yes, planter. Then my extra-smart mamma came up with the idea to put different herbs in mason jars which just happen to fit oh-so-perfectly in each little cubby hole. So I have some parsley, oregano, basil, lettuce (not a herb but still super yummy1) all at my fingertips now. and they all seem to be enjoying their new little home on the deck.
It’s so lovely! These crates are so versatile. I have one that I use for organizing crafting supplies, and another that I use to display tiny objects, but I have never thought of using it as a planter – brilliant!
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thanks! I know I love these old milk crates! am definitely keeping my eyes out for more now!
this is such a cute idea. my idea of a great and useful impulse buy π xx
I want to eat your herbs. =)
This is a beautiful blog! Thank you for visiting mine !
Also I love this idea! I want to do the same!
I LOVE this idea. I grow herbs every summer and then last summer when I was pregnant I decided not to plant anything bc I had the baby in June and obviously couldn’t dedicate the time to my garden but I missed it SO much. I had so much basil that at the end of the summer I ended up freezing a lot of it. It was so awesome to have fresh basil well in to the winter. this is so pretty!
Basil is my favorite! I can’t wait to use this yummy stuff for cooking!