Living Space

Our whole living room/dining room/kitchen area is pretty much set as far as furniture and the what-not. We are still waiting for them to redo our cabinets, but it still feels so nice to come home to such a pretty little place in such a pretty little neighborhood. As is probably obvious, mostly everything is vintage (found at either thrift stores or auctions) except for things like our super pretty ikea couch which I had had my eye on for quite some time before it found its way into our living room. Oh and my gorgeous Kitchen Aid Mixer in Pistachio that my mother got me as a wedding gift:)

I might have had too much fun with the furniture buying.
Anyone need an interior designer?
Will work for Starbucks and cupcakes!

  1. If you really want a project. I’m looking to thrift a dresser for my new room. I plan on redoing this to it:

    But with Math Book paper, I’m calling it “Shabby Geek”. This is the general concept for the room:

    I’d appreciate you’re thoughts, I love your aesthetic.

    • oh Andie that is such a snap! those style of dressers (“princess”) is so easy to come by these days. I actually had a whole set I thrifted in my room at my parents house that I completely re-did 2 summers ago. and the math paper is such an easy decoupage!
      I got one of the pieces from that set of dressers at Glassboro Thrift village a few years ago, if that helps! I don’t generally see them at auction because they are mainly from the 80’s. good luck!

  2. Josie! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment on my romper post. πŸ™‚ I’m glad I was able to see your blog…After checking out your posts I decided that I ADORE your style (fashion and this interior design). hehe This is definitely like my decor style, I love all things vintage and you did such a great job!

  3. I’m so jealous of your kitchen aid mixer! Someday I’ll own one!

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