Cuba Libre

U.O. Crochet Dress // Pretty Good sweatery vesty //Jcrew Skinny Belt // Gap Fringe Necklace // Banana Republic Black Suede Kitten Heels //

I threw all this on at the last minute when me and a friend went out for some drinks at Cuba Libre right around the corner last night. I’ve walked past that place a million times and have never gone in. We just sat at the bar, but it was so much fun! The restaurant reminds me of the ones in Disney World that go way over the top with their “theme” but it just makes them that much more fun. The drinks were pretty yummy too! but we’re both old ladies of course so by 9:30 or so we already called it quits, I love knowing other old ladies like me!

  1. So pretty! This is definitely I would put on and wear myself! I love soft dress, the gray, and the belt. Such a nice summery look! <3

  2. may i just say – i Freaking Love your sense of fashion :]

  3. love your outfit – i love how easy breezy and beautiful it is (do i sound like covergirl? haha) but seriously laid back and beautiful so cutee xx

  4. This is such a perfect summer outfit. I’m such an old lady too…light weight glad you checked out a new place!

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