Vintage shirt (thrifted) // Gap tank & Legging Jeans // Zara boots Loft Bracelet // Watch was a gift (from here)
I got a haircut today! My hair has been driving me nuts lately and I really hate having it so long during the winter (cue memory of being getting my hair caught in my jacket zipper about a million times) so I went for it! I like it… I’m looking forward to playing with it a little more:) Oh, and how fall-tastic is this shirt? When I came across it while thrifting a few weeks ago I had to have it! it’s so ridiculously colorful and pattern-y! And I am also in love with my watch that my lovely sissy gave me as a brides-maid gift, its all sparkly and pretty and looks oh-so-pretty stacked with bracelets and chains.
Anyway, husband is going away for work this weekend and I’m making a list of things to make while he’s away, anyone have any suggestions?
Love the hair! So much more chic and stylish.
Love the hair! It looks great. This time of year I always love to see the fall colors…and oh…. did I mention how is a cute that watch is? LOL
I love your hair and that top is beautiful!!
cute blouse! and when my husband is gone i usually end up making pancakes for dinner and watching tv episodes on netflix. i should probably be more productive when he’s gone, but oh well! 🙂
Love it! I need a haircut like crazy. That top is fabulous too.
you look amazing as always buds** the length is perfect too* =) im considering a change to, i’ll surprise u w it soon*
Beautiful outfit!
I love your haircut! It looks really amazing and your outfit is lovely! <3