Coat Ramblings

Gap coat, tank & legging jeans // Nine West Boots // Loft Bracelet // Watch was a gift

This coat is one of those “patience is a virtue” type of things.

I tried it on the first time I saw it and was completely head-over-heels for it. I love how 60s inspired it is. It’s a little bit vintage mixed with a little bit of punk, so obviously we were a match made in heaven.

But the combo of being insanely cheap and already having, uh, I dunno, a thousand coats? I just couldn’t justify it.

Oh but then spring came, a magical time where the world is warm and coats go on sale for $7. Oh yes, I pounced on it like a lion cub pouncing on bugs (sorry, we watched Lion King this week!).

Okay, now that I’m done over-romanticizing a coat, I think it’s time I go. Happy Thursday everyone:)

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