Thrift finds

Fine and Feathered Blog

Vintage Canon Film Camera $5

This week has turned out to be kind of crazy. I’ve learned that whenever I think that I have nothing going on in the coming week, it’ll most likely end up being insanely packed. But I did get a little thrifting done earlier in the week and thought I’d share! This camera I found I love and I can’t wait to get some film and try it out:)

Fine and Feathered Blog

Vintage Throw Blanket $3

Fine and Feathered Blog

New Gingham shirt (a girl can never have too many, right??) $3

Fine and Feathered Blog

Fabric (can’t wait to make something for fall with this!) $1

Hope your week is going well:)

  1. Anonymous says:

    Great find on the camera! I have a vintage Pentax 35mm passed down from my Dad. I can’t wait to put some black and white film in it!

  2. I find you very talented. As you learn a lot.. “

  3. Love these all. Just love them!

  4. I love the old camera – I have my own collection of old film cameras, and I love using them. The photos come out so differently than digital, and although you could alter digital photos to look the same or similar, it’s just not the same. I hope you’ll post some of the photos you take with it!

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