New at Fox&Vintage

Fine and Feathered Blog

Fine and Feathered Blog

The Summertime Blouse // Pretty in Pink Top

I just posted a few new things in Fox&Vintage! I’ve also been working on a little bit of a logo re-design to better fit my ‘vision’ for what I’ve wanted for the shop and think I finally am in love with it!

Feel free to let me know what you think! I’m also looking for comments/constructive criticism!

PS. Have a great three-day weekend everyone! I’m headed to the Devon Horse Show tomorrow and am super psyched! Anyone have any fun plans?

  1. I love the plaid shirt. I really love your blog. I just found it actually and I am so happy that I did. I will stopping by again very soon!Carlee

  2. says:

    Hey Josie,I’m a gentlemen … so that puts me in the minority of readers I would think? Came via a link for one of your DIY’s but hung around for a bit! Love the blog, clean simple, well written and put together. Keep up the good work..

  3. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much both Carlee and Paul, I am SO happy you guys enjoy it, and am happy about having a gentleman speak up about reading! I would love to have a more mixed gender group of readers, and if you ever have any comments/criticism, I’d love to hear your “manly point of view”! heh:)

  4. says:

    … ;0)I’m here for the opposite point of view! Fine&Feathered always worth a read… and as I work as a Primary School Teacher its a very female dominated staff room. Nothing better than chipping in with a “I hear nautical stripes and hats are on trend at the moment!” comment!Raises eyebrows!

  5. Anonymous says:

    hah! I love it! πŸ™‚

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