Vintage top (thrifted) // J.Crew Skirt (thrifted) // Dolce Vita for Target Wedges
Loft Chain Bracelet // Watch from The Hope Chest // Vintage Sunglasses (thrifted)
You know when you’re going along, working like a busy little bee, and then all the sudden, it hits you. Exhaustion. Am I the only one who finds nothing more exhausting then working on the computer all day? I remember back when I used to work retail I would practically run for nine hours straight almost every day, and I feel like I wasn’t even as tired as I am when I spend the whole day sitting. staring. typing.
Well, that’s enough whining for today (although I have not gotten the cheese to go with that whine, like I was promised – then again, I am quite cheesey, so I guess I did! hah!). Anywho…
On a more outfit-y related note. I recently realized that this shirt is basically the cut-off top half of this skirtthat I have. I suppose if I was really cool (and it was still the 90s) I would rock them together. Alas, I am not so cool, so I will keep them on the opposite sides of my closet so they don’t have arguments over who is more usefull or has more polka dots or… well, whatever clothing would fight about if they were actually able to speak.
P.S. The blog got a itty bitty make-over! Let me know what you think of it!:)
Thanks for the comment on my blog, Josie! Yours is so lovely!Signed,
Your newest follower on Bloglovin’ π
Haha yea, we don’t want the blouse to pick a fight with the skirt! Both are rad in their own way
this look is so cute!