Chicks, man!

So far our little (hopefully) ladies seem to be getting on well! they are loving their little yard and march themselves into the coop everynight to snuggle together. Getting them to trust me is a little harder then my old chickens, but I’m confident we’ll get there eventually. It’s so cute to see them in the “jungle” of overgrown vines and weeds in their little pen – they love it! Not to mention how adorable they are all cuddled up next to each other on their perch at night! πŸ™‚

  1. Gorgeous! I’ve always wanted my own chickens, but unforunately my dogs would probably want to eat them.xx PC

  2. They are *so* cute! They’ll trust you eventually if you keep at it. When I was in high school we had chickens. Friends of ours kept them as chicks until we could build a coop and I spent almost 2 weeks at our friends house with the juvenile hens trying to convince them to be my friends. By the end of the time I’d convinced one of them–and she remembered me a couple weeks later when we came to collect them. The others took a bit longer!

  3. Oh they are so cute. Glad they are enjoying their new digs.

  4. I just recently returned from having no internet – I’ve missed so much! I’m glad you’ve got some new chickens to love. I hope they turn out to be girls. Most of mine are roosters. Oh well, they’re still adorable.Have fun with the chicks πŸ™‚

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