Berry Picking

My mom and I stopped at the fields this past week to pick some blackberries to make jam for my dad with. Pretty much all fruit reminds me of summer-time, but whenever I have blackberries or raspberries I’m always taken back to being a little girl and sitting in the wild berry bushes that would grow on our hill, just gorging myself with the tasty fruits. Such fond memories:)

Hope your all having a lovely weekend!

  1. Nice berry hunt, I agree berries are the essence of summer and childhood memories. Think for the pictures and have a great week.

  2. Yum!!! We were eating some from my sister in laws bush this weekend and will be heading out to pick some soon at the berry farm.

  3. Oh my… what is better than fresh blackberries? YUM!

  4. We have loads of blackberry bushes along the paths in the woods behind my house, I’ve never tried making jam with them though!

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