Hoofbeats and Hats


Gap TShirt // Vintage Skirt & Belt (thrifted) // Vintage Necklace & Hat // Walmart Sandals

I couldn’t possibly pass up this skirt while thrifting a few months ago. Sure, it was ten sizes too big, but I just couldn’t let it go. After a little altering and plenty of taking-in, it fits perfect and I can now amuse myself by staring at the adorable little horsies prancing across my skirt:)

  1. What a perfect fall skirt! Love the colors! If you get a sec, I’d love to hear your thoughts on my latest posts and enter to win my giveaway!peacelovedecor.com

  2. The skirt is beautiful. This is such a beautiful outfit.

  3. wow. that skirt is A-MAZING. pretty jealous of your find!

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