Home again, Home again.

Vintage Shirt & Hat // Loft Denim (Thrifted) // Thrifted Moccasins

Scarf C/O The Dabblist

It’s almost surreal to be home after almost two weeks in practically another world. In most ways, it’s great to be back, but part of me misses waking up to mountains outside my window. More then that though, I miss spending afternoons galloping through those same mountains on horse-back. No matter how dirty I would get (now I know why old movies of cowboys show them with a handkerchiefs covering their faces when riding!) or how sore my butt would be (TMI?) I still looked forward to it the next day’s ride. It’s definitely a bit of a fantasty land for this horse-lovin’ girl.

 The ranch we stayed out (Goosewing Ranch) is set deep into the Gros Ventre Wilderness in Wyoming. Like, an hour and a half driving on a dirt road, type of deep. Since there’s no cell phone service, no tv’s in your room or very much internet access, it kind of forces you to enjoy it all. It’s a little sad that I have to be forced into enjoying such amazing scenery, but after a few days getting used to not checking my cell phone every two minutes I finally did appreciate the quiet times in the afternoon, just sitting on the porch and feeding little tiny chipmunks and just taking in an amazing view all around.

I have hundreds more photos to go through, so I’ll definitely be sharing more from my trip. Right now I’m just enjoying being home with my husband and my pup and being able to blog again (I missed it!:)

  1. Anonymous says:

    Wow! I am just blown away! These pictures are divine!! So beautiful!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much Elizabeth!

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