Easy Jellied Cranberry Sauce

Like most Americans I grew up with that cranberry sauce that plops out of a can and still has the rings to prove it. I won’t lie though, I loved it. Actually, I was known to occasionally sneak a bowl full of any left-over cranberry sauce. It’s one of my guilty pleasures even to this day. Last year I was on a huge everything home-made kick and made a more traditional cranberry sauce, but it just wasn’t the same to me. So this year I wanted to try a recipe that is closer to that commercial-taste and it came out pretty good, if I do say so myself, not to mention it was suuuuuuper easy.

I used this recipe from Food in Jars and opted to put mine in a mason jars. It only took me about 15 mintues and smelled amazing while it was cooking!

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