J.Crew Shirt (thrifted) // Ralph Lauren Sweater (thrifted) // Buffalo Cords
UO Bag (thrifted) // Thrifted Duck Boots + Scarf // Target Socks
As Whinnie the Pooh would say, it’s been blustery. The kind of blustery that assures that any attempt to wear a skirt or dress will result in a wardrobe malfuntion. So pants it’s been. I wore this into Philly last night to have dinner with a friend and the hostesses gave my boots a few funny glances. I guess Duck Boots aren’t quite as magical if you don’t have to wade through mudd to check on chickens or play with your moose of a puppy everyday. But then again, no other shoe can compare to the warmth of Duck Boots so I’d still wear ’em everyday even if we still lived in the city – case closed.
You look adorable
Cute and cozy and 85 percent thrifted. Can’t beat that.
You look absolutely gorgeous! I love all of the layering!
Love the color of your pants. cute look!www.thebluecurtain.blogspot.com
duck boots for the win, always.
i dunno why she’d look askance to duck boots! i think they look fab. i would wear this outfit any day of the week. totally cute.
I love singing the blustery song from Winnie the Pooh! hehe. Your outfit is so cute.