One of those weeks

   Target Dress + Hat // Thrifted Shirt + Belt // A+F Cardigan (thrifted) // Gap Leggings // Zara Boots

Hey guys. It’s been pretty quiet around here this week, and mostly outfit posts which is kind of rare, I guess. That’s the beauty of blogging though, I can do whatever I want. I actually have been working on a few projects this week, mostly the quilt and several other little sewing projects to help me get better at it. I’ve been trying to think up some fun DIYs lately but it’s just been one of those weeks where my brain just wants to focus on certain things and is locked into them. I’m going to go ahead and blame it on the weather like I do with everything during the winter. Hopefully my brain, like the weather, will soon thaw and there will be lots of sunshine and fun DIYs and recipes and things to come.

Anyone made anything fun lately?

  1. Love the layering! Cute hat too.

  2. Love the layers here – I like the cardigan and button-up combo! I’m looking forward to seeing your finished quilt. Please share pictures! πŸ™‚

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