Some days it definitely feels like a lot of bloggers live in this crazy universe where they look pretty everyday and are full of never-ending inspiration. In some ways I love it. It kind of pushes you to try to do the same, to not just wear sweatpants all day, to make something new every day, to be the best and happiest you can. On the other hand it can be a total bummer sometimes to see all these people doing so much and these girls who seem to always look picture perfect. It’s mostly only a bummer when I’m having a bad day already, ya know? Of course, it’s great when bloggers share sort of “real life” experiences. I loved Sydney’soutfit post this past week where she showed the not-so flattering outfit photos (of course, she still looks gorgeous anyway). I certainly don’t like blogs that spend half their time whining, but I do love when bloggers occasionally share that sort of thing every once and while.
To be honest, I’ve been not feeling particularly pretty lately. Just had a few of those days where it seems like no matter what I put on it doesn’t seem to change. It didn’t help that I’ve been just sort of given up and resigned to be a tomboy. I went out with one of my sisters and some friends the other night and ended up feeling so unfeminine in comparison to all those lovely ladies, it was not good. I know it’s one of those things where I really just need an attitude adjustment, but sometimes it’s easier said then done. I know that we all have those days, and even weeks sometimes, but they just suck don’t they?
It doesn’t help (or is possibly directly related to) feeling a little un-inspired lately. I usually have a few little projects going at once and lately it’s just been the quilt, which is fun, but I like haing little projects to just do during the afternoon and have just felt totally stuck lately.
So I guess this is just a little explaination of what’s going on over here. I plan to be back real soon to my regular DIYing and goofy outfit wearing but sometimes it just takes a little time.
So interesting how we can think we’re the un-pretty one, and someone else is looking at us and thinking how un-pretty they are in comparison to themselves. I always feel like the tomboy with you and Missy around! Way to go on being honest, and imperfect. There is beauty and reality in it, and it draws people in to blogs more than one hundred glossy and flawless photos! You still look really really ridiculously good looking in your bum clothes.
Thanks Laur:)
It may seem kinda weird to say, but your blog is one of the best fashion blogs on the internet because it’s actually real. I feel like most fashion blogs, while they display amazing clothes and hold great inspiration, do not provide the reader the opportunity to relate. The bloggers are all rich fashion designers who wear clothes that the majority of the population wouldn’t be able to actually afford. Your blog, however, is refreshing and inspiring because the reader is able to identify with you. You don’t buy all of your clothes for two thousand dollars, and this post exemplifies the fact that you feel the same way that most feel about fashion, although it doesn’t seem like you’re ever in a slump, for you always look beautiful, your wardrobe is impeccable and absolutely lovely. You put yourself, a real person, into your blog, which is what makes it so awesome. Never stop blogging! π
Thank you so much Juliette! You literally just brought tears to my eyes – you’re so sweet and I’m so glad you enjoy my blog:)
No worries girl! You actually look so freaking adorable in that beanie!! I’m jealous π
I second Juliette. I love your blog, the realness and simplicity are inspiring. No one can create nonstop, sometimes you just need to take a break. It’s funny that you should write about this just now, because I’ve been feeling a bit of the same. Thank you for the encouragement.Also, you look beautiful even when you aren’t trying. (Tomboys aren’t necessarily un-feminine, they’re just not quite so girlie girl–I would never describe you as unfeminine!)
I hope your spirits lift soon! xo
Prayers, Michelle. Youre positively beautiful – dont forget it! Please come over soon. I’ll make tea and we’ll catch up π <3
I’ve just discovered your blog and I love it and your style! I think you look fab in all of your outfits and you’ve inspired me already to be more tomboy – you exemplify how to pull it off and still look amazing! Don’t ever lose confidence or belief in yourself, I’ve so enjoyed going back through your blog and all of your posts!
Thank you so much Janey! I’m so glad you found me:)
If only you could see everyone else’s deleted photos! Haha. I always think that when I see a blog with perfect photos of the person all the time… they must have taken 100 photos and ended up with one good one. I am not that diligent and go with the 10th one that’s at least mediocre, and though I don’t have perfect photos, I have more free time. π
You’re adorable and EVERYONE has those days/weeks!!!! Promise, and you’re seriously beautiful. π