Happy Spring

         Target Dress (thrifted) // Thrifted Shirt, Belt + Coat // Target Leggings // Walmart Boots

I always forget how great this little dress is. I love how simple it is but you can peek a fun color or bold print out of it. Also, I thrifted this jacket a few months ago to save for spring and compeletely forgot about it. I suppose it’s perfect timing though since today is the first day of spring! Do you hear that, weather? First day of spring – time to get on it. No more 40 degree days, no more random snow flurries, just daffodils and sunshine from now on. I will accept no less.

  1. That polka dot top looks really cute under the dress!http://2ndhandknowledge.wordpress.com

  2. I love that coat dear. I just bought one at a thrift store..but I need help taking it in because it’s way too big! Help maybe? πŸ™‚ You could even do a tute on it πŸ˜€

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’ll have to see it! I know mom is generally better at taking things in then me

  4. Anonymous says:

    Looking gorgeous, you’re right, that dress is lovely, very versatile. And I love the mac, very classic and good for creating an elegant silhouette!This might be the least ‘springy’ first day of spring I’ve ever seen though – here in the UK we have five inches of snow -_- come on Spring! I want blossoms and sun and daffodils!

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