
                              Gap Shirt // Vintage Skirt (thrifted) // H&M Hat // Walmart Sandals

I just want to take a second to say thanks to you guys who commented on my post yesterday asking for opinions. Everyone was so sweet (as always!) and one comment from Kistina particularly struck me, she mentioned that I sound like I feel a bit “unsettled”. It was one of those little comments that hits you and you go “YES, YES! THATS EXACTLY IT”. Right now I am definitely feeling unsettled in a million and one ways. We were always sure that we’d find ourselves a house long before the one we’ve been renting sold, but we didn’t. Then this one house we put an offer in on seemed so sure and we thought we’d be under contract way before we had to move out of here, but it didn’t work out. Now we have ourselves, two dogs, and two chickens and no real idea what things will look like for the long term.

But I’m really trying to not let myself get too crazy but just feel confident that things will work out for the best in the end. And of course, what’s more stress-relieving then wearing a horsey skirt? heh!

  1. I love this outfit. The pattern on the skirt is gorgeous and I’m a huge fan of chambray shirts. I really hope everything works out, you find a place to live and feel more ‘settled’!http://simpleeasystyle.blogspot.com/

  2. Beautiful photos and outfit, love all the combinations of colors and textures.

  3. Oh my, house hunting can be a really wild ride. We’re about to launch into that ourselves in a couple weeks. I’m certain that God will provide for you.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thanks so much Abigail! I’m sure he will:)Good luck to you guys too!

  5. I absolutely love your blog. The pictures are what drew me in first. There’s such a dreamy feel to them. You have an effortless style that really shows, too. I think that’s all complimented by your blog design. I like the simplicity of it, because it really makes your photos pop. I’m sorry to hear about your house hunting. I would say that house hunting was the most stressful time of my life. Worse than wedding planning. It’s just such a huge decision. You want to pick the perfect place, but also make sure it’s a sound investment. I feel for you guys. Hang in there. Somehow everything always has a way of working out. At the time it doesn’t feel like it, but I’m sure you guys will look back at this time and understand why things had to happen the way they did. Or you’ll just look back and think thank goodness you made it through! Either way, hope you’re having a great day and things are going better:)

  6. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much Kari, your so kind! I definitely think we will look back and see the good in the big picture but this sort of “limbo” time always stinks.Thanks again, I really appreciate all your kind words:)

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