Decisions, Decisions

                                   H&M Shirt (thrifted) // Gap Jeans + Flats // UO Bag (thrifted)

I’ve been having that itch. You know, that hair-cutting itch. I always keep my hair pretty long (my husband couldn’t believe how long my hair was when I was little when we watched old home movies the other night), but the ends are extra damaged now because of the ombre and so I sometimes get a little crazy and start picking at the split ends – not good. But I know I’ll miss it’s length even if only cut a couple inches off. 

I guess that’s what you get when your a little crazy:) Hope everyone’s Monday is lovely!

  1. I have that same back and forth with myself, too. I used to have my hair short, but in recent years I’ve liked it pretty long. I’ll usually let it go 6 months, and then freak out one day that it’s just too long. But then when I go to get it cut, I’m always apprehensive about taking too much off:)

  2. Don’t do it!! It seems like everyone is chopping their hair off, and usually majorly! My hair was 36″ and I just chopped 2.5 inches off of it. . .but at least it is still super long! Long hair is so beautiful!!! Love this outfit!!

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