Thrift Store Challenge

Fine and Feathered thrifting

(Picture by my brother)

It’s no secret that I love thrifting. At this point in my life most of my clothes have come from thrift stores. For me, it’s mostly the treasure hunt factor that I love. I know there’s gems hiding in there, and with a little patience and a good eye, I can find them! I’ve found great brands like Diane Von Furstenburg, Lilly Pulitzer, and tons of J.Crew at my local thrift stores over the years.

Usually I just go in and find what I find. Occasionally I’m keeping my eye out for a certain type of item but most of the time I just see what I find and then decide whether or not it will work with the rest of my wardrobe. I decided to mix it up though and give myself a challenge. Perhaps I’ve been listing to the “Thrift Shop” song a few too many times but I set a goal of finding a full outfit for under $20.

Fine and Feathered Thrift Store Challenge(Picture by my brother)
Here are the guidlines I came up with for myself:

– Spend $20 or less

– Must buy at least two “big” pieces (i.e. top + bottom, or dress and shoes or coat).

– Must be pieces I will be able to wear and reuse with my wardrobe.

Pretty simple, but I’ve never gone into a thrift store before with the single mind of finding an entire outfit, usually I’m just looking for pieces, so I knew it would still be a challenge. I went to my local (Millville, NJ) Goodwill store for this – it’s a nice big store so I knew I had a better chance then going to some of the other local thrift stores that are much smaller.

Fine and Feathered Thrift Shop

(Pictures by my brother)

I spent a little under an hour hunting through the racks. I tried on three different outfit possibilities. Two were dresses, one of the dresses was a poor fit and didn’t really go with my style and the other was really cute but a little too dressy for me to wear regularly, but the third outfit was a skirt and top combo that was perfect! I actually had to dig the most to find the top (it was hiding in a rack of long sleeve shirts!) but it was definitely worth that extra effort.

I tallied up what I had and realized I still had $13 left! On a last little jaunt around the store I happened to come across a bag that was not only a perfect match for the outfit, but definitely something I’ll be using all the time now.

Fine and Feathered

Cost breakdown :

Shirt (J.Crew) – $1.99

Skirt + Belt (Target – with original tags) – $4.99

Bag (no brand) – $8.99

Tax – $0.31

Total – $16.28

And the outfit…

Fine and Feathered Thrift Store outfit

Fine and Feathered

All I needed was a pair of shoes, and I love these Target wedges I thrifted last year. It is pretty amazing the things you can find in thirft stores. I’m really glad I gave myself this little challenge. Even though I thirft on a regular basis it felt great to give my thrifting muscles a little workout!

  1. Love it! So cute! I may have to try this challenge!xo,

  2. Anonymous says:

    Please do! And leave me a link to your post if you blog about it – I’d love to see it:)

  3. You are making me want to go thrifting again!! I love finding awesome gems!

  4. Cute outfit! I’m absolutely obsessed with thrifting and that bag looks like a vintage Coach! I sell those in my vintage shop and I can almost tell by looking at it. It might be a knockoff but you could have a pretty pricey bag on your hands for only $8.99! Love your blog, glad I found it. 🙂

  5. says:

    Of course, this ensues the obvious question: Where do you thrift??

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hey Angie – I live in South Jersey and do a lot of my thrifting in Vineland and Millville, NJ. This is specifically at the Goodwill in Millville – but I always go thrifting on vacations and there’s just as good thrifting anywhere! Nice big stores are the best, but really it’s just about taking your time and developing a good eye:)

  7. That outfit is so cute! I’m always amazed what you’re able to find when you thrift. I need to dig a little deeper next time I

  8. Lovely finds! I rarely go thrifting with big goals, sometimes just a general idea of things I’d like to find. I might have to try this tho, it would definitely be a challenge!

  9. I want to try this outfit for myself! Love the outfit you came up with.

  10. Yay on your outfit. 80 percent of my closet is thrifted. Great finds and a few flops in there. But thrifting does allow you to be adventurous.

  11. Omg I need to go thrift-ing! Totally saves money and the outfit it totally something I would wear!

  12. I don’t think I’ve been to the Millville Goodwill. There are 3 Goodwill stores near me in N. NJ that I’ve seen, but never have been inside them yet. I plan to on the next time I need clothes though. Great finds and deals!

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