Just a Reminder

       Vintage Dress (thrifted + restyled) // H+M Hat // Minnetonka Moccasins // Thrifted Belt

Sometimes it’s nice to realize that a bad start to a day doesn’t have to spill into the rest of the day. Yesterday we had to get up early so I could take Frank to the airport for a work trip. The alarm didn’t go off, we were an hour late, the car was out of gas, we hit rush hour, he missed his flight, and I got completely lost trying to pick him back up and went around the airport three times. But he was able to get a different flight and we had a couple hours to kill, so we had an amazing breakfast in the city (thankfully with plenty of coffee…) and took a leisurely walk through our old neighborhood and around Penns Landing before he had to catch his new flight.

Sometimes it feels like when days start badly they’re bad all day, but it’s refreshing to realize that they can end up being lovely instead. Just a reminder to myself the next time I have a bad start:)

  1. Love this simple summer dress, the hat is adorable with it!http://simpleeasystyle.blogspot.com/

  2. That sounds like a horrible situation to get up late and be out of gas and having a flight missed! I am glad though that his flight was successful. Good reminder!

  3. You’re so right. Sometimes things can be going so wrong, but then seem to work out ok. It can always go the other way, too, so it’s important to enjoy things when they are good and know that hard times will be over soon. Have a great day!

  4. What a great reminder. Happiness and contentment are always a choice. Thanks for sharing.

  5. You look great! And that sounds like such a bad day but I guess what matters is how we take it. Attitude makes all the difference!ravenmaidenmaven.blogspot.com

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