June’s Cinnamon Bread

One of my little goals recently has been to try to make a new type of bread each month. I’ve baked a lot of sweets since I was a teenager, but never did much bread. I always got turned off by the timely process. I hate waiting. That and loosing hair scrunchies are easily some of my worst qualities. But I’m trying to learn to be better, both about the patience and the whole scrunchie thing. A few days ago I was struck with the need for cinnamon bread and decided it would be this month’s bread.

I used this recipe from Seasons & Suppers and just left out the raisins. It came out great and I love that I ended up with an extra loaf to keep in my freezer. I’ve been enjoying a couple slices each morning with a nice big cup of coffee and it’s pretty heavenly:)

  1. Great little goal you have! My mom was in the same boat, where she loves homemade bread but hates the waiting, so she bought a bread machine. I’m pretty sure she considers it among her best purchases EVER. she loves that thing.I love the bread that come out of it.
    maybe after you’ve hit your goal you could look into one. You can do all sorts of recipes in is so I bet you’d fall in love too 🙂

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