Fun in the Sun Inspiration

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It’s kind of that classic “woman” thing to complain about, but swimwear, huh? I’ve been on the hunt for a good bathing suit for three years now. I even was ready to pay way more then my thrifty heart usually allows me, just so I could have a good one that fits right and I love – but I never found it. I especially wanted a one piece, but even “tall” sizes weren’t close to being long enough.

Last week I did some browsing around online looking for a different two piece, but didn’t find anything that I was impressed with enough to shell out the money for. So I made a decision – I am going to make one! Actually, I already started. Right now I’m just practicing by making a two piece and using one of my own suits as a guide, mostly just to get the feel of the fabrics and getting things to lay right and everything. It’s absolutely not “perfect” and this first one might be a little bit too small (I think I might not have given myself enough of a seam allowance – rookie mistake!) but I am feeling pretty confident about how it’s looking and feeling anyway. My goal is to be able to make myself a two piece and a one piece that I will love to death and I’m feeling super inspired by these vintage beauties and would love to do something very similar:)

Has anyone out there made a swimsuit before, or do you have a favorite style you love?

  1. says:

    I never have, until the bombshell pattern came out –
    The blue version looks amazing!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Oh my! I may just have to give that one a try – thanks Kristina!

  3. Ooh that’s exciting! I guess if you can’t find what you want then why not make it?I really like vintage bikini tops but I’m not a huge fan of the high-waisted bottoms. I’m on the lookout for a new swimsuit too though!

  4. That sounds awesome! Can’t wait to see how they turn out.

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