Totally Out

                            DIY Skirt (tutorial coming tomorrow) // Wal-mart Tank // H&M Hat

Apparently maxi skirts are already “out” so thank goodness I don’t care a wee little bit about trends. That’s why I love personal style so much more then “fashion”. Fashion follows trends, it’s all about what’s in at the moment. Personal style is all about what looks best on you, what makes you feel good to wear, and what works with your life. Of course, this whole outfit is very fall-ish (I’m blaming this never ending gloomy weather messing with my brain) so I guess I’m totally “out”, but I am just fine with that.

PS. I know a few people asked for a tutorial for the last maxi skirt I made – tomorrow I’ll be sharing how to make that one and this one:)

  1. What maxis are out?! Whatever I don’t care I’m going to continue rocking mine… forever. I love the color of your skirt it’s gorgeous.

  2. you look so cute! love the color of the skirt!

  3. I love my maxi skirts, they’ll stay with me!

  4. So pretty!! I love the colour of the skirt…who cares if its “out”? :)

  5. Anonymous says:

    I can’t wait to see the DIY for this skirt – it fits you like a dream!

  6. I hate trends. Always follow what makes you feel good. Beautiful!

  7. Love this outfit, and I agree, looking good is more important than trying to follow trends!

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