Local Love // Philly Favorites

                                                                                            (The Franklin Institute)

Even though we no longer live in Philly, and it’s a little under and hour away, we definitely still consider Philly “local” and I feel like it will always feel like another home when we’re there. We try to take my best friends kids there every year or two for a little fun and since they’re whole family is moving to Haiti this summer we decided to pack our day full this year. We had so much fun, and it got me thinking of all the great places in Philly I love, and thought I’d share some of my favorites!

                                                                                                 (at the top of City Hall!)

Some fun tourist-y things…

Top of City Hall– this is so much fun! You can literally stand right underneath giant William Penn and see the entire city.

Philadelphia Museum of Art – One of my favorite places, I could just wander around all day.

The Franklin Institute– My husband’s favorite! Also, the kids too. Even if you’re not huge into science stuff it’s really fun and interesting.

Franklin Square– It may not be as big or famous as Rittenhouse and Washington Square (both lovely parks, by the way) but it’s my favorite. Not only is it just plain adorable, but you can sit at one of the tables by the fountain and munch on some Square Burger, putt at the miniature Philly mini golf, and there’s a gorgeous carousel too. And it’s just a short walk from the National Constitution Center too!

                                                                                                (Franklin Square Park)

Favorite places to eat…

Honey’s Sit and Eat – We just recently started coming here on mornings we’re in the city, but it’s easily our favorite place for breakfast now!

Franklin Fountain – If you’re in the city during the summer you must stop and get ice cream! Yes, the line will probably be out the door, but I promise it’s worth it:)

Lacroix at the Rittenhouse – My favorite for a super-fancy splurge dinner. You look right over the park, and all the food is amazing. Of course, my husband’s more fond of Smith & Wollensky, which is just downstairs – both are great though, it’s just a matter of preference.

Elixr – So glad my friend introduced me to this place! It’s right around the corner from the Starbucks that’s close to Rittenhouse Square, so it’s nice to have an alternative that is way better then the same old Starbucks.

                                                                                                 (Honey’s Sit ‘n Eat)

Other tidbits

Favorite place to shop… Old City! It’s our old neighborhood, so I’m biased, but there are a ton of adorable little shops. Rittenhouse area and Broad street are good if you want the fancy big stores, but Old city is all local-owned stores, and they’re all really different and adorable. Most of them are on 3rd street but there’s also a few on 2nd and also Market.

Favorite street… Elfreth’s Alley. The oldest street in Philadelphia. It’s short but packed with neat old homes people still live in today. A coincidence it’s also in Old City? maybe…

Favorite place to people watch… Rittenhouse Square takes the cake for that one. Last time I was there there was a man slopping paint on another mans back while he layed on the sidewalk, he then proceeded to tell all the passersby that it was his masterpiece. There’s plenty of interesting people to be had!

                                                     (looking down Ben Franklin Parkway from the top of City Hall)

So there’s just a few of my favorite things in the city. Philly is such a great place though, even after living there and going there regularly for a long time we still are always finding new things we want to do, and there’s always great new places to eat at too. Like I said, I think it will always feel like my second home:)

If you’ve been before or are local I’d love to hear your favorites!

  1. I’ve never been to Philly, but at least now I know the places to check out if I go! I like your recommendation for shopping in Old City. Whenever I go to a new city, I always want to find the little locally owned boutiques. Those are the fun places to find, because they’re so unique to the city. And usually it’s the locals who know best where to look. Hope you’re having a great day!

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