Doggie Bow Tie DIY

Last week I snagged some adorable anchor fabric while thrifting and knew I needed to find a good excuse to use it. That’s when I realized it was high time Mr.Weston got his fancy on, right? Doggie bow tie it is!


Supplies : 2 pieces of fabric 6.25 x 8.25 inches + 1 peices of fabric 6×3 inches (Note – if you have a small dog you might want to downsize this so the bow isn’t bigger then their head!)

1// Sew the two large rectangles right sides together (the print on both should be touching), leaving a 1-2 inch gap between start and end seams. Use your gap to turn your fabric right side out, sew your gap closed and iron flat. 2// Fold the small rectable in half lengthwise, with the right sides together, and sew a seam down the raw edges. 3// Turn the small rectangle (now more of a tube) right side out, fold in half and sew about half way down. Trim excess  and turn inside out so your seam in on the inside. 4// Slip the small band you just made over the middle of the large rectangle and “fluff” the side.

Now you can either attach it to a collar you already have or you cane make your own to match…


Suplies : 1 peice of fabric 3 inches x the width of your dogs neck plus 2 inches + a buckle set (sold at most fabric stores and Hobby Lobby’s)

1// Fold the fabric in half lengthwise and sew a seam close to the raw edges all the way down. Turn right side out (a long crochet hook is very handy for this!) and iron seam flat. 2// fold over end twice and sew down, repeat for other end. 3// Fish one fabric end through one buckle and sew fabric to itself to keep the buckle in place. Try the collar on your pooch and slip the other buckle over the other end to make sure you’ve got a good fit (you can slide it down and safety pin it to keep it in place). Sew end in place.

Sew your bow on and you’re done!

Oh and Weston is totally ready to start his modeling carreer, he will gladly work for treats!

  1. says:

    Weston is probably the most photogenic dog I’ve ever seen!

  2. That is so cute!! I made a bow tie for my husband last year, but just used a ton of hot glue instead of sewing:) I really like how you put yours together, so I’m going to try to make a legitimate one now. Your dog is adorable:)

  3. says:

    I loooove him! He’s so got your modeling gene! My cute little fur nephew πŸ™‚

  4. says:

    so cute. I cannot wait to make some for my dogs.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I’m dying to make this for Chance now!

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