Finding what works

                          Gap Shirt + Flats // Gap Skirt (thrifted) // Anthropologie Belt // H&M Hat 

Until I sat down to write this I didn’t even realize I was wearing almost all Gap. I actually miss their older stuff like this. The last year or two whenever I walk into their stores I’ve felt like their new collections are a little too trendy for me. They used to be so amazing with classics, it was all things that you could own for years and years and it wouldn’t go out of style because it was pretty timeless. Last time I was in one of their stores I saw a whole lot of neon, and I am not a neon girl, at all. I’ve seen plenty of people make it look cute, but it’s just not something that I could ever see myself wearing.

I have no problems with trends, I think they’re a natural progression of things actually. However I think it’s important to be able to look at a trend and know whether you love it because it’s something that fits with you and your personal style, or whether you maybe like it just because you’re seeing a whole lot of it (I’ve totally caught myself warming to a trend simply because I’ve seen it so many times). I just saw on another blog that apparenly knotting your shirt is a big trend this summer, and that is a trend that I can fully and totally support. Trends like chevron though, I adore on others and love the pattern itself, but I just never felt like it was something that went with my style.

Have you guys come across trends you adore but decided they weren’t quite right for you? I think it’s interesting to continually be discovering more about my personal style and what works for me.

  1. I really love almost any trend and clothing items—I can see making almost anything work if it’s styled right. But I def think you need to be comfortable with it. Not every trend is for everyone. Confidence is key in making anything look great, so if you’re not comfortable then it won’t look good! Really love your outfit—that skirt is gorgeous.

  2. So cute! I love that skirt :)I like trends but I agree with you, if it doesn’t match my style then I won’t wear it.

  3. I rarely follow trends because I have a simple style that doesn’t really work with trends.I absolutely adore the way you’re wearing your shirt there and I never thought to wear my shirts like that. I have a shirt almost exactly like yours here so I might have to try this out.
    Celina | The Celution

  4. The skirt is an incredible find! I’ve come across tons of trends that looks good on others but I will never do (wedge sneakers, metallic, creepers, neon, mirrored sunglasses…) simply cause its not my style. Its interesting to find out more about my own taste each day :)

  5. That skirt is just so adorable and I really love that hat – so pretty!xoxo,

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