Khaki and Blue

    Target Dress (thrifted) // F21 Blazer // Vintage Scarf, Belt + Shoes (all thrifted) // Homemade Bag

I’ve had both this dress and blazer for so long. They’re only a very few things that I’ve had longer then I’ve been with my husband. There’s actually pictures of me in the dress from our trip to Boston the first sumer we started dating, and so whenever I wear it I always think of that trip, and I love it. It’s probably a major reason it has stayed with me for so long. I do love how simple and comfortable it is, but as I’m getting older I realize it’s a bit short and I have to think twice about sitting a certain way or bending over too far. So yes, I am a total old lady now.

It’s funny how when I was a teenager I totally didn’t mind short dresses, or short shorts, or really anything along those lines. I certainly don’t consider myself a “modest blogger” in the way that I don’t go out of my way to be modest, I’ve just naturally found myself usually grabbing for longer lengths these days. I’m sure there’s people out there who think I dress immodestly, and those out there who think I’m overly modest. That’s how the world is, and over the years I’ve learned it’s so much better to dress to what makes me feel comfortable an beautiful. There’s always going to be people out there who may hate it for any number of reasons, so why waste time worrying about them?

  1. Great look! I seriously love vintage scarves and I’m really into outfits that showcase them, like this one. I love the red of that scarf – it’s so vibrant!xo, Michelle

  2. Lovely photos! That scarf is so pretty. I also tend to favor slightly longer lengths. For me, it’s less about being modest and more about being practical!-Becca
    Ladyface Blog

  3. I love the outfit especially your shoes and the scarf! I also love your ombre hair color. I have black hair, so it is a bit hard to do ombre. Have a great weekend!

  4. Cute outfit! I love how the scarf ties everything together. I know what you mean about starting to think about the length of my skirts and shorts as I get older. Before, I’d wear the shortest shorts–the shorter the better! Of course, I would make sure they covered what needed covering, but they were still short. Cut to today, and I when I go to Old Navy for shorts I search the 5 inch lengths instead of the 3 1/2. I think it’s natural to start thinking about these things as you get older. I think it’s because I see what terribly short outfits younger girls are wearing and think to myself I don’t want to be an old lady in short shorts:) I think your dress is perfect:) Have a great day!

  5. That dress is a gorgeous colour!Yeah, dress for yourself! Who cares what others think?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Quyen! I’ve seen a few girls do black ombre where their ends are just brown instead of a blonde and it looked really cute! It’s a personal thing though. I love my ombre right now but I’m sure I’ll go back to just my natural during the next year.

  7. I always can’t believe that most of the things you wear are thrifted, cause they are gorgeous! And I agree, taste and style change over time, but what is important is that you like what you’re wearing πŸ™‚

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