
We bought a house – for real this time! We closed this morning and are just so happy. It needs plenty of updating and painting and tons of weed and vine pulling, but that stuff is exciting for us. We literally can’t wait to start making it our own. Within the first 12 hours we’ve already pulled out half the kitchen floor and a cabinet. What can I say? the DIYer in me is itchy.

At some point I’m sure I’ll post some photos of the house here on the blog, but in the mean-time I’ll probably just be sharing some little glimpses of it over on my Instagram until we’re more settled in. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  1. jasminelovesjesus13@gmail.com says:

    Congrats! It looks so lovely!

  2. The house looks lovely and I’m sure you are going to make it beautiful with you DIY touches. CONGRATS!http://liveitinerantly.com

  3. Congratulations on the new house!! Looking forward to see the progress and DIY :)Damaris
    The cat, you and us

  4. OMG,that house looks beautiful! I’m so happy for you!

  5. marianne.begley@me.com says:

    It looks absolutely charming!! Good luck!!

  6. Wow it’s such a pretty house! It looks like it should be in Hansel and Gretel!

  7. So charming! It makes me think of fairytales – maybe Snow White? Hope the woods aren’t dangerous, but enchanted with some good magic! :))Linn (all-is-pretentious.blogspot.com)

  8. beegoulet@yahoo.ca says:

    This house is amazing! I’m looking forward to seeing posts about your reno’s and project. Congrats πŸ™‚

  9. Yaaaaay! I’m so excited for you! It’s absolutely gorgeous already.

  10. that is the cutest house ever! love the red door. congrats!~niki <3

  11. lizbian_88@hotmail.com says:

    It’s GORGEOUS congratulations, can’t wait to see some photos of the inside πŸ˜€ very happy for you, it’s horrible to live like nomads between houses, much nicer to have a place to call your own πŸ™‚

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