Red White + Denim

                     Target Dress + Boots // Thrifted Shirt, Bag + Belt // Antique Locket Necklace

Yesterday was so rainy and dreary. Usually I’m actually quite fond of rainy days, but I’ve been trying to push myself to finish unpacking the kitchen and all the rain just kind of sucked the drive right out of me. I just wanted to curl up with a cup of tea and start a new book instead of cleaning dishes and finding non-existant space for all our stuff. Before this last move I finished Jane Austen’s “Northanger Abbey” and loved it! I’m almost tempted to read it again right away. It’s a quick read and it’s one of those Austen novels that’s packed with extra satire, just how I like ’em.

Anyone read anything good lately? I’ve had my head stuck in classics all year and have been loving it, but might start throwing some new things in if I can find something good.

  1. This outfit is so adorable! I love the top under your jumper! And the rain boots are a perfect touch!xoxo,

  2. i only recently discovered elizabeth gaskell. i tried reading her novel cranford a while ago, but it didn’t really grab me. but i stumbled on the BBC north & south miniseries earlier this year and i realllllly loved it. so then i went out and got the book, consumed that, and as soon as i finished, i wanted to re-start it all over again.also, two contemporary written victorian set mysteries i like a lot are ruby in the smoke by phillip pullman and dodger by terry pratchett.
    good luck with the unpacking!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Oooh those all sound great Elizabeth – I’ll definitely look into them! Thanks:)

  4. Your little boots are always so adorable!!! I love them! This is an adorable outfit! I love rain, myself, but don’t know others who do! I read loads of books, but I don’t know if anything I read would be of interest to you. Hmm. . .Have you read The Neverending Story? It is amazing!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thanks! I love a good rainy day once and a while, certainly not everyday though. Is that The Neverending Story they made a movie out of? I remember the movie as a kid but didn’t know it was based off a book!

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