A little chop

               H&M Shirt (thrifted) // Target Skirt (thrifted) // Thrifted Bag + Belt // Pac Sun Shoes

                                                          H&M Hat // Homemade Necklace

I mentioned the other day I cut my hair this weekend. I had been thinking of going to get it cut, but I decided to give it a shot myself. I figured that the worst that could happen is that I wouldn’t like it and I could have a professional fix it. I actually ended up loving it though. Of course, no one really noticed and I heard mostly “well, it’s still really long”. Well, at least it feels so much healther! It’s a lot easier to manage without all those damaged ends.

Even though I’m excited for fall, I’m really glad pumpkins and the like haven’t really made an appearance yet. It’s still so hot here that I just feel like I’m not ready for all that! Give it another few weeks and I’ll be chowing down on pumpkin pie, but lets take advantage of that last little bit out of summer, right?

  1. Your new hair looks much better and healthier! :)ravenmaidenmaven.blogspot.com

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thanks! It feels so much better too:)

  3. Your hair looks great! Love the pattern on your skirt.xo honestly, b.

  4. dragonflymorning@yahoo.com says:

    I always had the same problem: ten inches gone and no one would notice. It looks great!

  5. Just because it’s long doesn’t mean it isn’t a lot shorter than it was! People don’t notice when I cut my hair either.It looks fabulous! I think you did a great job.

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