Twenty days at home

We’ve officially owned our house for 22 days now! It’s crazy because it both feels like it was just yesterday, and it was so long ago already. So far we pulled up all that gross tile and linoleum in the kitchen, stripped the dining room of some truly hideous wallpaper, finally unpacked the kitchen, started a little makeover on the half-bath, and my husband has completely demolished the basement and already started working on the insanely over-grown yard. We’ve been…busy.

I’m glad I’ve been doing my #home365 project on instagram. I’ve already been looking back and remembering what we were working on each day, or just documenting the little victories, like finally having a cleaned off counter!

  1. Crazy fun idea! I don’t know how you find time to do all that and blog, you must be a super woman. πŸ™‚

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hah thanks Mollie! It’s a crazy balance for sure:)

  3. Congratulations! You’ve already done so much!The Rambling Fangirl

  4. says:

    You are so right to document the “little victories”. It can be a long haul and it is so easy to forget how far you’ve come already! By the way…woodwork in the living room w/staircase is absolutely beautiful, and your garden gate is adorable too….you’ll do great, you’ve got a lot to work with and are so creative, good luck!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Marianne! One of the things we fell in love with about the house is all the woodwork:)

  6. Anonymous says:

    Love your #365 project! So excited to see what you guys do with your gorgeous home!xo Allison

  7. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations on the new home! Judging by the pictures, it looks like a beautiful space and a wonderful retreat, especially the garden! I think it’s great your tackling on the DIY projects yourselves- there’s nothing like adding those special touches with your own hands. Good luck with all your projects!Cheers!
    Simply Akshara

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