Simple Glitter Dipped Feathers

Last week when I put together a little inspiration board for Thanksgiving I came across cute glitter-dipped feathers. They’re so simple and fun that I thought it’d be easy to make a few. I love the way they came out, and they’re also great because they’re perfect as little Christmas decorations too!

I whipped mine up by grabbing some found feathers I’ve been saving (although you can also buy packs of feathers from most craft and hobby stores) and dipping the tips in Martha Stewart Multi-Surface Glitter in Florentine Gold and then letting them dry on a piece of wax paper. Super easy!

Now I’m just trying to decide what to hit with some glitter next!

  1. During my Ireland trip, we learned a lot about the literary history in Ireland. We came across so many quill pens (feather pens) and I think this is a great idea to commemorate my trip. I will recreate this for a wall hanging.

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