Flat Love

 Abercrombie + Fitch Shirts (thrifted) // Vintage United Colors of Benetton Skirt (thrifted) // Gap Trench // Moccasins c/o Minnetonka // Thrifted Belt // Bag from The Hope Chest

I used to wear heels a lot. So much so that one of my friends always joked that he knew it was me in the college hallways when he heard heels clacking. Gradually though I started wearing (and buying) heels less and less to the point where now I only have two pairs in my closet, and they don’t see the sun much. The other night I came across an interview with Gayle Spannaus (J.Crew’s talented fashion director) and I love how much she talked about flats! I really loved when she mentioned pairing shorter skirts with flats. I think a lot of the time us girls tend to think if were wearing a skirt you naturally put heels with it, but I just adore the pulled together, yet totally casual tomboy vibe you get when putting loafers or oxfords with skirts.

What’s your guys take on things, are you a heel addict, flats only, or somewhere in between?

  1. love this look, the bag is gorgeous x

  2. I wore heels all through college, too. But the further I get from college the more I love flats. Part of it is that I now have a standing height desk, which I love–aaaand standing for 8 hours in heels is not a good thing 😛 Once you get used to the mobility and ease of flats, it sure is hard to go back to the pain and pinching of heels…no matter how cute.

  3. In between. Love both in equal measures, and would wear them depending on my mood and occasion :)ravenmaidenmaven.blogspot.com

  4. I never could quite fall in love with heels. I love the way they look, but they’re uncomfortable and I hate being taller. Flats are definitely my favorite!www.roseandmint.com

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