Keep it Simple

                        Thrifted Shirt, Scarf + Shoes // J.Crew Blazer (thrifted) // Gap Leggings

Sometimes at this time of year it’s nice to just keep things simple and comfy. I love how red gingham is so perfect for the summer, but definitely has a great Christmas vibe too. I can never say no to a good gingham anyway:)

I’m still working on Christmas gifts (think I might be cutting it close this year!), what about you guys, are you all done shopping and crafting?

  1. I love the fit of that blazer. And you’re right, gingham just seems to match any season.I still have a few gifts to make…but I don’t “have” to have them done by Christmas. Still, I feel pressed for time!!

  2. says:

    Very cute, definitely a less obvious more original take on Christmas you pulled off very well.The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas has flown by this year—-I think I’ll be working on gifts right up to the very last second!! Happy Holidays!!

  3. Lovely as always :)I still have too many projects to finish for Christmas!

  4. Gingham never fails…hope you have a great Christmas :)

  5. I love this blog! I’ve been following for a bit now and you are awesome! You inspire me to actually put forth effort in my attire because with kids I get pretty lazy. I wish I had all my holiday projects done, wouldn’t that be a change! lol Happy Holidays! Great post!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much Nurrieum! I totally give you props, because I’m pretty sure I’d probably just live in sweats if I had kids;)I’m still finishing mine up too, so I feel ya! Have a great Christmas!

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