A Grey Day

Fine and Feathered Josie Davis Style

Fine and Feathered Josie Davis Style

Gap Shirt + Jeans // Anthropologie Belt // Target Hat // Thrifted Bag + Shoes

  1. Great look! I adore that hat as well! Such a classic menswear touch. πŸ™‚

  2. Really love the shoes and you look great in hats :)ravenmaidenmaven.blogspot.com

  3. Hi! Just found you through Pinterest. I love the socks over the jeans combo. I’ll have to try this sometime. I love the bootie look too!-Felicia

  4. Uhm, you’re kind of the cutest. πŸ™‚

  5. Anonymous says:

    hah thanks Cai! You’re too sweet:)

  6. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Felicia! I’m so glad you came across my blog! I’ll definitely be checking yours out too:)

  7. hkbushmich@gmail.com says:

    Hi! I’ve been looking everywhere for shoes like these, could you tell me where you got yours? They are lovely!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hi Heather! These are thrifted and have no brand name in them. Stores like Madewell, JCrew, and Piperlime tend to have similar Oxford Boots though – hope that helps! πŸ™‚

  9. Schwaby96@gmail.com says:

    Omg!!! I have the EXACT same booties, but in black! I also thrifted mine. Love them to pieces and wear them practically everyday. This outfit is very fab btw xoxo

  10. Anonymous says:

    Ooh! A Black version sounds gorgeous! Thanks Witney:)

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