Moving Pictures

I have something a little different today! A while ago I had a friend urge me to start playing with video. Of course, at the time I still had my old computer which couldn’t even watch video, much less edit it. Now that I have my new one though I don’t have much excuse anymore.

I thought I’d try sort of an “outfit video” instead of my normal outfit photos. I love the idea of seeing how clothing really wears in real life. It’s a lot harder to fake something looking good on when you’re jumping and walking and just plain being silly. All these shots were done in our backyard, and Weston was out with me so of course he’s in there plenty too.

Please keep in mind that I am NOT good at video at all. I am definitely a “practice makes perfect” kind of person, and this is my first one ever. My handheld shots are shakey, so if that’s something that really bothers you then feel free go ahead and skip it.

Thrifted Shirt // Ralph Lauren Sweater (thrifted) // Thrifted Pants // Gap Kids Coat // Target Socks // Gap Necklace // Thrifted Boots

I am open to opinions, and if you have any tips for me I’d be happy to hear them!

  1. Love it! This is seriously your first time trying this? It’s so good!

  2. What a beautiful photo! Definitely makes me wish for some weather here in Los Angeles!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Emily! I did take a few little videos with my camera back when me and my mom went on Vacation, but I never even looked at them since my computer couldn’t run them lol

  4. says:

    Wow! Great first video, I thought it was really fun and cute. Plus your puppy is adorable and your song choice really went well with the whole thing—look forward to seeing more.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thanks so much, Marianne!

  6. I’m seriously impressed. Editing video can be a real pain–you did a great job!

  7. Loving the video! Please do more πŸ™‚

  8. you should do this more often! I loved it. :d ,Dixx

  9. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Abigail! I actually surprisingly enjoyed even the editing process – I’m kinda weird though:)

  10. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Dixx! I really enjoyed making it so I think I will try to!

  11. Well done! And I love the song choice. ;)The Rambling Fangirl

  12. Anonymous says:

    I like the video a lot! The shots are all really pretty and your dog is so cute!Rebecca @ tr[i]b[e]cca

  13. This is such a cute look, and I am loving those boots. Great find!

  14. I really really like the video! The music is also a perfect choice xx

  15. I thought your video was perfectly cute! May I ask what kind of camera you use?xo

  16. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Taylor! It’s a Nikon D5100:)

  17. love the video, the music and the editing were really good. I like that you didn’t use any cheesy transitions or titles or anything – just plain and simple and classy.It would be lovely to see more videos, I adore your photography, but seeing you and hearing the music you like gives a whole different look into your life, which is really cool.

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