Life Lately

Josie Feather

Time really flew by this weekend! It’s already Monday, which just feels crazy. I was excited that I got to host my first clothing swap on Saturday. It was a small turn out, but we all brought lots of stuff so it ended up being great, and everyone took home a new armful of clothes, so I’d say it was a success! We already talked about having another one in a few months too, so I’m already excited for that. Yesterday me and an old friend went up to the Philadelphia Auto Show, which was used to always do together every year. We even snuck over to Jones to grab some dinner afterwards, it was great to catch up and just hang out.

How was everyone else’s weekend? Hope those of you who had off today are getting some relaxing time in before heading back to work this week:)

  1. The clothes swap sounds like such a fun idea!

  2. I’ve wanted to try a clothing swap – good for you!Allison Katelyn @

  3. Anonymous says:

    I had a crazy busy week but I realised it was crazy busy filled with relaxing plans! Great pictures :)

  4. I love Jones! It makes me feel like I’m in the Brady Bunch living room.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hah me too! That’s always how I describe it to people!

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