A Day With Free People // Part I

Fine and Feathered - Free People Style

Fine and Feathered - Free People Style

Fine and Feathered - Free People Style

FP Jessy Tank // FP Dye Tie Striped Poncho // FP Low Rise Relaxed Cut Offs

FPLong Coin Layering Necklace // FP Cascade Tote // Minnetonka Boots (my own)

Photos by Katie Possage

 A few weeks ago the Free People store in KIng of Prussia was running a little contest to be their model for the day. It sounded like way too much fun to not enter, so I did, and couldn’t belive it when I won! I went up to their store on Saturday and got to meet their amazing head stylist Katie (who, by the way, is an amazing designer herself). She picked out a couple outfits for me to wear and we went out to a few different nearby locations to shoot. It was so much fun! Katie, and the other girls at the store, were incredibly sweet and I may have enjoyed playing dress up way too much. It was a serious test of my self-discipline to not take everything home with me! 

This first outfit was more of a festival look. It was incredibly comfortable, excepting the fact that our area is not quite warm enough yet for shorts! But if you were to drop me at one of the festivals I’m sure it would be perfect! One of the things I was really amazed by with all of the Free People clothes is how soft and easy to wear everything was. I could have warm the outfits all day and not feel the need to instantly jump into pajamas when I got home. 

The outfits were all so fun I thought I’d share them each seperately, so look out this week for the rest:)

  1. ah congrats! that’s so cool you won. love that kimono!xxoo,

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Nikki! πŸ™‚

  3. This is so fun! I wish the FP store near me would do something like it! Love the photos, the outfit she picked out here looks great and is definitely perfect for a festivalMiche from Buttons and Birdcages

  4. Anonymous says:

    Maybe the others will start too! I know me and the girls had so much fun they were already talking about running the contest again, so maybe it’ll catch on:)

  5. Wow this is so awesome! Love Free People and happy to find your blog! Love your style girl :] Xx, Tiffany | http://www.sunshinedaydreamphotography.com

  6. Very chic! Totally in love ;)Lisa – AT LEAST BLOG

  7. What a cool opportunity! I love the cardigan!

  8. in love w/ that poncho!!xo,
    Sandy a la Mode

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