Nine Home Decor Projects to Try

Thrift shops and flea markets are great for finding unloved treasures that just need a little makeover. I still am in love with my little tea cartI rescued. But whether you save an old piece or buy one new, having a little cart dedicated to your love of tea is always fun:)

Decorative pillows can be so expensive, but it can be fun and cheap to make your own! Whether you make your own stamp or buy one, it’s a pretty simple project to do.

Pajaki chandliers are a great little decoration for a window, or can be adorable used as a mobile over a crib! You can choose to make it completely from scrach or buy some of the materials pre-made. Whatever way you choose to do it, they’re fun to put together, and really lovely!

Old tin trays are another one of those things that tend to always be at thrift store, and it’s so easy to give them a little makeover. Adding a little herringbone pattern to one is quick and simple – you can check out the tuturial here!

Celebrate your love for your own little furball with some silhouette art! I cherish my little version of Krammer even more since we lost him – it’s nice to have a little reminder of our favorite guy.

Looking for some fun, usable decorations? Make a map of the world (or just one country, if you like) out of some corkboard. You can even paint it to give it a little extra pop, and then use it to pinpoint places you’ve been, or just pin up some notes!

Another great alternative to spending a small fortune on cute pillows is to sew your own. I made a pair of these swiss cross pillowsa while back and we still use them on our couch! You only need to know the basics of a sewing machine to make them.

I love this candle holderI made using a tree branch and some twine. It’s pretty simple, and just plain lovely, in my own opinion! 

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9 Home Decor Projects to try - Josie Michelle Davis Blog

Home Decor Projects and DIYs to try - Josie Michelle Davis Blog

Easy DIY Home Decor Projects - Josie Michelle Davis

9 Home Decor Projects to Try this weekend - Josie Michelle Davis

  1. these projects are amazing!! can’t wait to try some in my new apartment!! (you rock!)xxoo,

  2. says:

    Your tea cart is way too cute! I also love how you taped the photos on the wall behind it. You have such a great eye for style 🙂

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