Dress Layering Summer Style

Strappy Back Bra Dress Styling

Free People Slip Styling

Free People Necklace Styling

Free People Slip Dress + Necklace // American Eagle Shirt // Target Boots

The blog has basically been just crickets for the past week or so, and I finally have a quick minute to pop back in and tell you why – Last week I started my new full-time job with Free People! I loved my day at the King of Prussia store so much I decided to just not leave:) I’m their new MIT and am loving it! On top of being full-time I also have a heafty commute, which means even less time when I get home at the end of the day. So, it’s been an adjustment to say the least. I think I’m starting to get my groove though, and hopefully can balance things out and continue blogging fairly regularly soon! Thanks so much to you guys who still stick around and read:)

  1. beegoulet@yahoo.ca says:

    Congrats on the new job! The dress and necklace are so gorgeous & I love how you styled them with the tied t-shirt.

  2. Congratulations! That is SO exciting!! I’m sure you’ll find your groove soon. It always is difficult when a routine changes, but this is a great change!

  3. Congratulations on your new job, that’s wonderful! Love love love that slip dress, I want to run out and find one just like it. Hope you continue to adjust to your job well!Julia

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Kari! I definitely feel like I’m starting to get there:)

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thanks so much Julia!

  6. Anonymous says:

    This dress is lovely! I love the colour and the layers :)www.dancingthroughsunday.typepad.com

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