On Growing Up

Lace Dress Styling

Lace Dress Army Jacket Styling

Fall Dress Styling

Recently I noticed something weird happen with me. I realized that I’m not at all offended when people don’t consider me a professional or expert in areas. When I was younger that would really bug me. Whether is was people not considering me a “professional photographer” (even though I wasn’t!) or not instantly going to me for advice on something I know a little bit about. More than anything, I’ve realized that there are so many other people out there that are so much better than me at things and I would love to learn from them!

I’ve always been more of a “jack of all trades” kind. At times, it would really bother me and I would wish so hard that I could just be the best at one thing. As I get older though, I realize that it’s totally okay that I’m not like that. I absolutely adore learning new things, and while I still tend to get frustrated if I’m not amazing at it first try, I’ve gotten a lot better at reaching out to others who are great and learning from them.

Thigh High Socks Styling

Lace Dress Tall Socks Styling

Target Dress // Ralph Lauren Shirt (thrifted) // UO Socks //
Free People Necklace

It’s also great to loose a little bit of the pressure that goes with considering yourself an expert or professional at something. I still love photography, and always will, but I’m not even kind of a professional, and the great thing about that is that not every one of my photos needs to be amazing. I can experiment and just have fun, which is so freeing. I still loving helping friends pick out cameras when they ask me, or showing them some of the basics to help them get started, but I am actually happy to step back and let a real professional photographer do their work and not feeling like I should be the one shooting in every circumstance. 

It’s definitely been one of those “oh my gosh I’m growing up” moments when I realized that lately. Finding something that would drive you crazy a couple years ago that now is something you’re totally fine with. OLD LADY ALERT HERE. But seriously, what the heck is with this growing up thing?

thigh high socks style

  1. I used to think I don’t care about what other people think of me, but as I get older I realise I care even less now. So I did care a bit before πŸ™‚

  2. Josie,I love your thoughts on this and love your style too! Great photography, I can really see myself in that outfit. So cute!
    xx, Tiffany | http://www.sunshinedaydreamphotography.com

  3. Oh, finally I found you again! I lost your blog address some time ago and missed it a lot!Good you are still here!

  4. Anonymous says:

    oh yay! I’m so glad you found me again too;)

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thanks so much Tiffany!

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