Heyyy Fall

Basic Fall Outfit

White Tshirt Styling

Minnetonka Tramper Boots Styling

Jeans and White Shirt Styling Fall

Thrifted Shirt // Free People Jeans // Boots c/o Minnetonka // UO Necklace // Scarf was a gift

Even though it makes me more than a little sad to think that there won’t be any more trips to the shore, and afternoons spent napping on the beach this year, I can’t help but be so excited for the begining of fall!]= I may have even made a little early jump on it by picking some pumpkins and baking already. How can you resist that crisp in the air, and apple crisps in the oven though? It calls me. And those fall and halloween movies. Put your hands up if you’re excited to snuggle up and watch Hocus Pocus and The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown! 

Of course, I’d love it even more if we could transition right from fall into spring, and skip that bitter winter chill!

PS. You may have noticed I chopped my hair! A lot of people have asked if I donated it like I did last time. The ends were completely fried from when I had ombre’d it, so I couldn’t. Now it’ll be nice and healthy for the next time though:)

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