Handing Over the Camera

Josie Michelle Davis

Josie Michelle Davis

Josie Michelle Davis

Josie Michelle Davis

Josie Michelle Davis Blogger

Josie Michelle Davis

Outfit details – First outfit : Free People Dress + Hat //
Secondhand Denim Jacket (made into vest) // UO Necklace
Second outfit : Gap Sweater + Necklace // Free People Pants // Thrifted Scarf + Boots

I’ve been taking self portaits since I first got into photography, and there was no one around to be my guinea pigs. Handing over the camera and letting someone else photograph me always feel just a tiny bit strange. My friend Kristen has a fantastic eye. I’ve loved following her on facebook and watching her style evolve, so when she asked me to model for her I was excited to try out being in front of a camera that isn’t just hanging out on a tripod!

The last few years I’ve really embraced my love for being at home, especially our home. I remember being much more restless at home as a teenager, but now we have our own place that’s safe and cozy, and is whatever we’ve made it. I love it. So I loved when Kirsten wanted to shoot some photos in our house. I think they”re my favorite. Although she does lovely outdoor shots, and I absolutely love those as well, I just feel happy looking at some of the ones in the house!

  1. love these shots! you look so cute with short hair. and that uo necklace though!

  2. I love that last one of you crouched by the water. Gorgeous! I wish I had a talented photographer friend living in the area who could shoot my outfit photos. My boyfriend does okay, but only if we take 150+ pictures, haha. He doesn’t have much patience for it either.Cat

  3. That last one is absolutely stunning. I love them all, they’re so gorgeous, as are you. I also must say that I love where your style has been going lately. I’m in love with everything you wear and it really inspires my own outfits. So thank you for that! Have a lovely day xJulia

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