Away in the Woods

Free People Camping

An afternoon spent wandering through the woods, laughing, and looking for a little adventure, is always a favorite way to spend a Sunday. Throw in a campfire, and enough s’mores to make any normal person sick, and you have our lovely day. As soon as I saw the Free People October catalgue I was obsessed, to say the least. I couldn’t wait to do a little photoshoot with some of the girls from the store, inspired by it!

Free People camping

Free People Camping

Free People Camping

We spent the afternoon wandering through the city park near my home, just shooting and enjoying the lovely fall day. I always love getting a bit lost in the woods, not really knowing what you’ll find, but appreciating all the sights and smells it has to offer. 

Once we were done in the woods we headed over to my dad’s warehouse. It’s an old brick bulding that sits in a field, surrounded by woods. My dad was nice enough to set us up a fire, and even pitched in a box of cupcakes to ensure that we were fat and happy when we were all done shooting. My favorite part of the whole day was the very end, where we all got to sit back, relax, and appreciate the star filled night sky and the warm, crackling fire. It’s made me realize how desperately I need to take more time like that in my life.

Free People Cuff Thermal Fall Camping

Free People Camping

Free people Camping

Free People Cuff Thermal Camping Fall

All photos are mine. All clothes are Free People.

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