Sometimes Change is Awesome

Free People Austin Dress Fall Style

I’m generally someone who stays fairly within her comforts zones when it comes to clothing. I know what I like to wear, and I’ll buy it over and over again. A plaid shirt, a white lacey dress, a great black hat. Change from that can seem a little daunting. But then every once and a while something that is quite different than the rest of my “norms” reaches out and grabs me, and I just can’t walk away from it. That’s what happened with this dress. 

We have what we call a “onsie” rack in our store. They’re pieces that we only have one of, whether because the rest of the item sold well and that’s all that’s left, or because it was returned and we never had it to begin with. I was searching for a dress to wear to NYC last week and this dress almost literally reached from the rack and grabbed me. I resisted even trying it on at first because, orange?! I have always avoided oranges when it comes to clothing. But my attemts to resist were futile, and I fell completely in love with it. 

Free People Fall Style Hat

Fall Style Dress Boots Denim Jacket Hat

Free People Strappy Back Bra

Free People Dress, Bra, and Necklace // Jacket c/o Sweet Nectar // Target Hat // Nine West Boots

So I learned a very valuable lesson… sometimes change can be scary, but sometimes when change comes in the form of a super comfy dress that has pockets and a super fun cut out in the back, then change is pretty awesome.

Have you branched out recently and gave something you might normally not a try?

Fall Style Bright Dress Tall Boots

  1. says:

    This dress looks amazing on you! You are so right about change, I have a “upscale” second hand store that I frequent near my house the people who work there are always good to recommend pieces. I’ve learned to try everything on, and some of my favorites are pieces I wouldn’t have given a second look! Change is good πŸ™‚

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thanks so much Lisa! That sounds like an awesome place! πŸ™‚

  3. This dress is SO gorgeous on you and that multi-strapped bra looks great with it. Great buy, definitely worth stepping out of your comfort zone for.

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